Learn to recognize how one significant past experience can help you to better deal with paradox and uncertainty in an organizational setting.
Exploration of our organisational life has much to gain from narrative so as to reflexively engage with provisional processes of uncertainty, doubt and paradox. These are often neglected qualities of how we go on together in our organizational lives. Taking this practical, hands on, real life approach starts with telling your own story.
Dr. Carolyn Mamchur, author, professor, president of her own successful company for 30 years, will demonstrate how an experience in life has much to teach you about the undercurrent of emotion that affects you and others in the office or board room.
As you discover your story, write it, analyze it, you will improve both your thinking and writing skills and most importantly recognize the significance it plays in your professional life. You will be taught to recognize how your past story influences your thinking and reactions to a present situation, especially a conflict situation.
Let understanding your past, improve your present and give you a deep sense of confidence in the future.
Though you will learn how to increase your writing skills, the quality of your writing is not the issue, the understanding of how the past influences you is the reason writing a narrative is important. Spelling, grammar, are insignificant. We all have a story worth telling. I can guarantee this experience will offer surprising awareness.
Cost: $900.00 for three sessions, each session running for one month and will contain two 2 hr. interactive zoom meetings and feedback from instructor. First session: Discovering your story Second session: What the story teaches you. Third session: Recognizing your responses in your work space.