Taking into account extraversion and introversion improves teacher and student success.
Dr. Mamchur learned Jungian psychologist Type from the founders of the Centre for Application of Type (CAPT) in Gainesville, Florida. She has authored books on type theory, taken a post doctorate at the Jung Institute and taught type theory to Education, Industry and Health around the world. This leading type theory expert will explore how to improve the use of extraversion and introversion to meet the needs of individual learning styles in the classroom.
The four week course will provide the participants with both an observation instrument to determine extraversion and introversion in the classroom and a questionnaire for students to answer to determine introversion and extraversion.
Participants will meet by zoom for two hours each week.
Participants will be invited to do exercises to implement what is learned in the zoom sessions.
There will be group and individual feedback during zoom and during private chat periods in which Carolyn Mamchur will respond to participant queries.
Teachers will learn to:
Meet the learning style patterns of both extraverts and introverts in the same class.
Develop strategies for increasing discussion in the classroom by using advanced organizers and wait time.
Become aware of the limitations imbedded in using wait time and advanced organizers.
Strategies for the introverted teacher to prevent energy burn out due to extraverted nature of classroom teaching.