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Increase success in student writing

The writing topic assigned by the teacher is the biggest factor in student success or disappointment. Learn why and how to fix it.

Teachers are often disappointed in the student work that results from class assignments. Too often the problem starts with the assignment itself.

Learn how to use archetypal topics to get the results you want with an educator who has taught this course to high school and university students, and teachers across Canada, US and Europe. Join the hundreds of people who have successfully benefited from this course.
Participants will learn how to use archetypal topics to increase student interest, student focus, student clarity, student desire to rewrite. Participants will have the opportunity to write a short narrative and receive individual feedback from Dr. Mamchur on how to improve the writing. Examples of student writing will be shared on zoom to teach specific strategies to evaluate student work.. Teachers can bring examples (unidentified) if they wish. Or participant writing can be used.

Readings on relevant topics will be provided for students for purposes of clarity and review. Delivery: Four weeks with two zoom hours per week. Materials sent to instructor and back to student via e mail.

Date:: TBA

Price: $500.00