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Foundational theories in imaginative education

I invite you to take a look at the theoretical constructs which drive my decisions in creating and teaching the courses in the Imagination section of i.m.e.sustainability.

Using Story to Self-Identify

Story is the lifeblood of a people. It speaks a truth others need to hear. Learn to write the story of your people through your personal experience.

Discovering your connection to others through legend

Finding yourself in a story, a song, a painting makes you strong.


Ancient Secrets of Wellness

This article examines a cross section of literature that explores non - medical approaches to healing, methods available to us in every day life, methods that spring from the well of full and attentive living.

A Pilgrimage into the Night

In “A Pilgrimage into the Night and the Night Wind” the author shares her passion for teaching and her intuitive desire to include nature as an important part of her curriculum.

Look, the Stranger’s Heart, it’s just like mine!

These themes have really resonated with me. Certain key words jumped out and stung like a bee sting.

Focus on Extravert/Introvert

I ask you to do this because even though I am writing this with characters in mind, it is also useful for you to think about yourself as you read.