We want to create sustainability in our own world as a way to contribute to the universe
Imagination sustains the soul. Carolyn teaches how to use imagination to write your story in fiction and non-fiction, to teach others, and to better understand yourself in order to express your true identity.
Machines sustain the work. Tyler repairs, restores and recreates. He models taking care of the vehicles you already drive so they will be safe and long-lived.
Earth is the life blood of all we do. We invite you to our home, our animals, our gardens, our produce to learn to be one with nature and to benefit from its bounties.
Our actions are based on authenticity. We field test. We do the research. We are not afraid to break the rules. We explore, discover and share what we’ve learned in a way which makes it sustainable.
Our purpose is to pass on our knowledge and our passion to you to enjoy in your personal and professional worlds.
What is unique about us is that we open our hearts and our space to our clients. What we share is very personal and sacred to us and we treat it and you with the deepest respect and integrity.
We cherish life and feel a deep commitment to it by loving it, understanding it and looking after it.
How did I.M.E.Sustainability begin?
Magic horse garden has been a sanctuary for creatures two footed, four footed, and winged since Carolyn and her daughter, mickey, purchased the land ten years ago. There were several reasons to leave their home in Vancouver, sell the botanical garden they had created in Washington. Mickey’s health was failing and they needed a calm safe haven where nature could offer healing and comfort.
Soon the hobby farm, with rarely used land and stables with space for more buildings became a haven not only for mickey, but a refuge for any creature needing to recover from stress or injury.
Horses needing rescue, birds needing healing, children suffering from autism, teachers experiencing burn out, immigrants wanting a welcome space to relax, be themselves, travellers needing an out of the city experience came to magic horse garden.
Carolyn built seated areas filled with trees and shrubs and perennials. She planted vegetable and fruit gardens. She studied and became a practitioner qualified to offer animal assisted healing to the many visitors who heard about magic horse garden.
Horses, llamas, goats, dogs, chickens, ducks roamed the property. It became a sanctuary designed to sustain life.
And then Carolyn lost Mickey to the liver disease that had plagued the child all her life. And for the first time, carolyn just stopped. Everything. She shut down and shut out. Horses, llamas, goats, dogs, chickens, ducks roamed the property. It became a sanctuary designed to sustain life.
A young man, Tyler Erhardt, was hired to run the farm. He was a person who had lived off the grid. Running a farm like this one was his dream come true. Under his care animals flourished. Gardens blossomed as he built a self- sustaining farm. Manure fertilized the fields and gardens, ducks ate the slugs and bugs, dogs guarded against coyotes, a wood chipper provided mulch and stopped the weeds. Labor costs disappeared. Cars, trucks, appliances were repaired instead of replaced. Single handedly, he operated the whole property from monies earned from the cottage rentals he now cared for.
Carolyn was able to retire from her position as professor. Tyler was able to open a shop in one of the large buildings on the place. Life restored
And then they married. Life renewed.
What is her role in I.M.E. Sustainability?
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What is his role in I.M.E. Sustainability
Farm management
Ever since I was young, I dreamed of being able to live on a farm in a more natural way with nature, animals and gardens, to create the ability for it to be able to be self-sufficient.
Living off the grid for a number of years where I tried to make this dream come true, was one heck of an experience, rewarding and difficult. In the end, I had to accept that the dream I had envisioned would not come true in the way I believed I could make it happen. What I took away from it was many invaluable lessons which would enable me to operate in a more sustainable way with the world!
The opportunity presented to me with my directional life change, and resulted in meeting Carolyn, working the farm and offering these things for other folks to stop by and enjoy as well.
Being able to work in the beautiful outdoors taming the land, cultivating gardens, caring for the farm animals has a very connective grounding sort of aspect that can bring a deep satisfaction.
I hope for others to be able to realize they can experience this, too!
Automotive repair
Working on cars became a passion of mine ever since I owned my first car. My father worked in an automotive shop and did many repairs at home, and I took interest in all things car related from a young age! Being able to take care of ‘ultimately’ a piece of equipment, “a car” was a satisfying labor.
Ever since my first car, no car of mine has ever been to an automotive repair shop because I took it upon myself to learn how to do any repair, helping friends from suspension to exhaust and cylinder head rebuilding to timing belts. I learnt it all.
The latest big project I took on was to completely modify a neat old car with a engine swap, partial rebuild, custom built suspension, and some engine computer programing. The programming part, however, I restrict to my personal car project.
An empty Quonset building on the farm presented me with the opportunity to open a small auto repair shop! And so here I am hoping that I can help you take care of your car by fixing and maintaining just about anything it may need to make it have a good long life
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Q. How does Your Pricing Work?
We try our level best to complete most roofing at a minimum price. Cost mainly very on the time and Quality of the Products you want to use. Check our Pricing Page for more Details.
Q. Is there a charge to check out House ?
Once you will get the Price list and call us for Roofing. We will visit your House before Finalize the Deal. But we DON'T charge for this.