About Us

Dr. Carolyn Mamchur

As a writer/editor I have published novels, texts, poetry, screenplays. As an editor I have worked for Praxis and WIDC. I offer workshops for those wanting to improve writing skills and edit for professional writers. I am always looking for interesting film projects needing a writer or editor.

As a consultant I work in HR to assess key personnel and create programs for personal and professional development. I have worked for 25 years as a consultant for Weyerhaueser (formerly MB) and for Hemmera.


Dr Mamchur's Research Interests

My research has historically situated itself around creating meaningful relationships with students to enhance deep engagement in learning. The specific focus has been on narrative and Jungian archetypes.

Today, I have expanded my research to include interspecies communication as a means of increasing empathy and awareness.
I find myself asking the question “what knowledge best enables us to take care of ourselves, one another and the creatures that inhabit our planet?”

As a result, both my teaching and my research welcome a divergent, multi-faceted stance, welcoming ambiguity and a willingness to overturn assumptions. There is a tension in my research which mistrusts linear cause and effect and which promotes questions resulting from inquiry as much as answers. Imbedded in all of my teaching and research is a strong emotional connection and trust that emotions accompany engagement of all kinds.

Re-engineering, raising intellectual and social capital, literacy, dialogue, branding and identity (as a Jungian analyst I use type theory and archetypes), personal narrative, imaging, equine therapy in all of my work.

Maria Kat: A Trilogy

Partnering as a Living Event

Speaking on Arkology


Trusting Intuitive Knowledge to Inform the Design of a Curriculum Model


A curriculum developer encourages other educators to trust their lived experience to guide their curricular choices by identifying her own process in creating a program that embraces archetype to encourage students to involve themselves in the use of social media which is healthy and fun, which promotes the reading of literature and the writing of narratives, and which develops personal self-confidence and empathy for others.

A Greeting of the Spirit


Mamchur, C. (accepted) “Ash”. Crossing Lines Anthology. Main Street Rag Publishing: Charlotte, NC.   POETRY

Mamchur, C. (accepted) “Look, the Stranger’s Heart, it’s just like mine!” Canadian Review of Art Education: Research and Issues. June, 2015.

Mamchur, C., Apps,  L., Nikleva, S. & Kuraendy, K. (2010) Discovering a subject: An intimate affair. Encounter: Education for Meaning and Social Justice, 23(4), 34-42. 

Apps, L. & Mamchur, C. (2010) Finding the “Details that Matter in the Appropriated Works of Las Meninas. Canadian Review of Art Education (37), 23-36.

Apps, L. & Mamchur, C. (2009) Voyage of Discovery: Artful Language and the Art Student. International Journal of Art & Design Education, iJADE Vol. 28(3), 34-42.

Mamchur, C. & Apps, L. (July 2009). On the edge of chaos: In search of a process. Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education, 6(2), 115-123.
Mamchur, C. & Apps, L. (2008) A Personal Path to Self-Efficacy. English Quarterly Canada, Vol. 38. 65-75.

Mamchur, C. & Shaw, C. (accepted) “An Ethnographic Examination of a Course in Academic Literacy for At-Risk Students”. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education CFP: Journal of Educational Policies and Current Practice

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Not sure about what to put here...

Tyler Erhardt

Hi there, So if you were to come to the farm here you would most likely find me working on one of many projects or jobs on the go, Either in the Garage fixing up a car to be